Andrew C. Rausch, MD

Maternal-Fetal Medicine —
Chicago, IL


Elsewhere on the web:

I am Andrew Crane Rausch,

Maternal-Fetal Medicine Physician at the University of Chicago

Now an assistant professor at the University of Chicago, I’m interested in how advanced technology can assist physicians’ practice, currently working in artificial intelligence and 3D printing. I believe we, as a field, have barely scratched the surface implementing breakthroughs in these fields into our daily practice.

Previously, I’ve researched subjects ranging from corn genomics, to galactic formation, to multi dimensional MRI image processing, and data-analytic approaches to medicine.

In my free time, I love food and coffee — tools like sous vide allow me to bring nerdiness to my cooking as well, and there is a surprising amount of chemistry and physics involved in a well-brewed cup of pour over coffee! Ask me, and I can talk about it for hours...